1. What is your favorite part about working for AEONMALL Vietnam?
For me, there are so many things I love about working at AEONMALL Vietnam. But if I have to choose only one thing, it must be the working environment. Your ideas will be well received and listened at any time. Also, having lovely, supportive colleagues at work makes my every working day becomes happy and productive.
2. What do you find the most challenging at AEONMALL Vietnam?
One of my specific tasks is working with tenants about administration issue. Sometimes it’s very challenging because I need to deal with different situations and different tenants. Each tenant have their problems and opinions, therefore I need to handle the situations nicely to ensure the effectiveness, kindness and friendliness at the same time.
3. What has been your favorite working results at AEONMALL Vietnam since the beginning?
Working as Administration Executive at AEON MALL Long Bien brings me a chance to make and complete operation procedures in general and administration procedures in details. The administration procedures in AEON MALL Long Bien are really detailed and highly appreciated by other malls, they can be used or be the reference documents to create new procedures for other malls. This result makes me very proud.

4. What have you gained from working at AEONMALL Vietnam?
Problem-solving, flexible communication with tenants and partners are the two main experiences that I have accumulated and applied in daily work. Also attending many training sessions improved my planning skills and helped me with my productivity at work.
5. What is on your wish list for the next 3 years with AEONMALL Vietnam?
My plan for the next 3 years will be continuing my self-development, filling myself with administration and operation knowledge to contribute more to the development of AEONMALL Vietnam.