06 skills young people need to prepare before starting the first job

The transition from "school" to "life school" requires young people to not only constantly seek to acquire new knowledge but also to hone their "life skills" to adapt to the work environment.

The transition from “school” to “life school” requires young people to not only constantly seek to acquire new knowledge but also to hone their “life skills” to adapt to the work environment. The challenges do not end with identifying desired fields or finding the first job rather, they include, how to quickly catch up with the job and fully utilize one’s abilities thereafter.

The following six vital skills will serve as luggage, allowing you to feel confident when taking the first steps on the career journey.


Learning in an academic environment is primarily theoretical and academic-oriented to develop sound core knowledge. There are numerous learning methods available, including learning through books, following curriculums, or receiving teacher assistance. However, if we understand how to actively absorb knowledge through the process of self-study, self-discovery, and the application of new abilities, we will be able to remember it for longer and use it more effectively in practical situations.

So what about in the corporate environment? Learning is demonstrated by applying knowledge to actual tasks and the ability to meet job requirements. The kind of tasks assigned, experiences gained from mistakes made, or lessons learned from the sharing of superiors and colleagues are all examples of “curriculum” acquired while working. As can be seen, self-learning is constant. You may lack experience and skills, but you cannot lack the spirit of actively learning. Remember that “When the student is ready, the teacher will appear”.


For any job, communication skills are always the foundation and prerequisite for relationships, while also promoting effectiveness in work. Communication is manifested in various forms such as conveying information, listening ability, or just how you use language in emails. We cannot ignore the important role of communication in building a positive work environment, encouraging cooperation and creativity among members, thereby creating sustainable development within the organization. Therefore, before entering the “career gateway,” devote time and effort in honing your communication skills by actively participating in clubs, extracurricular activities, skill courses, and seminars to learn from experts. Once you have “mastered” effective communication skills, it will undoubtedly be a significant advantage in both your professional and personal life.


Accessing computers and office software tools is certainly familiar to young people. However, not everyone knows how to optimize software such as Word, Excel, or PowerPoint. Meanwhile, proficiency in office computer skills has long been a basic requirement for work, especially for positions that require frequent reporting or data processing. Moreover, mastering these skills will undoubtedly help you handle tasks more quickly and efficiently. Therefore, be proactive in honing and practicing these skills for the most solid start.


English has long become the global language. In addition to qualifications and work experience, English language skills are also a recruitment criterion for some businesses. Therefore, mastering English to directly apply to work will be a competitive advantage, helping you gain more opportunities and advancement in your career. Don’t hesitate and start significantly polishing  your English skills right now. Opportunities will arise at any time, so equip yourself with the most ready mindset to seize them.


Time management is an extremely important skill that if learned early on,  will surely help you maintain a work-life balance. Time management includes aspects of planning, prioritization, task delegation, and the use of technology to avoid wasting time. To cultivate this skill, start by setting goals, building personal plans, setting deadlines for each goal, and practicing self-discipline.


Whether you are a student or a professional, teamwork skills are extremely necessary and important. Most professions today require these skills to efficiently serve common work purposes. Teamwork not only demands cooperation and flexibility but also requires interaction with other team members. In the academic environment, you have had the opportunity to hone these skills through participating in group projects during your studies. However, projects in the real work environment often have a larger scale and require closer and more efficient coordination. Keep developing your teamwork skills and understand the importance of this for success and positive contributions to the organization you are working for.

Hopefully, the sharing from AEON MALL will help you prepare more firmly before starting your first job.