How to beat the “PR season” (Performance Review)

According to PACE study, the annual review is an excellent approach for employers to evaluate and recognize employees' present accomplishments, as well as set future objectives for the achievement of the company. To help you be productive during the “PR season” (Performance Review), this post will offer some tips on how to run a successful evaluation session.

When it comes to a firm or organization’s success or failure, its personnel are crucial. Key Performance Indicators, or KPIs, are currently and widely used by businesses as a tool for measuring and assessing work performance, comparing staffs’ abilities and identifying each person’s strengths in order to modify workloads and have appropriate development orientations.

Setting KPIs early on is crucial for providing an accurate assessment of work performance. The SMART criteria, which stands for Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, and Time-bound, are frequently employed by individuals and corporations when defining KPIs. SMART assists in focusing on the objectives that are critical to the expansion and success of the company, making sure that KPIs are developed logically, easily managed, and measurable.

Furthermore, keeping connections with colleagues and managers will aid in the development of professional relationships and the creation of an ideal working environment. In addition, to accepting genuine criticisms and recommendations, maintaining a positive and inquisitive attitude is essential for aligning your personal goals with the team’s goals.

According to PACE study, the annual review is an excellent approach for employers to evaluate and recognize employees’ present accomplishments, as well as set future objectives for the achievement of the company. To help you be productive during the “PR season” (Performance Review), this post will offer some tips on how to run a successful evaluation session.

Review tasks and result, ensure collecting the evidencesNot every manager is able to recall every detail of every employee’s accomplishments over the course of the year. As a result, you must outline particular outcomes and emphasize your accomplishments. Additionally, be specific about the areas you wish to improve if you want to attain the balance by having a better understanding of your weaknesses and strengths.

Self – EvaluationExamine the accomplishments and outcomes in relation to the KPIs that were established at the start of the year. You may consider a few factors like:

  • Work product quality (accuracy, circumspection, and competence level)
  • Workload, which includes productivity, time management, and deadline adherence.
  • Job knowledge, or the capacity and comprehension of the job.
  • Interactions at work (communication, teamwork abilities).
  • Extraordinary accomplishments or outcomes that over expectations.

Be prepared for what you are going to say in the performance reviewIt might be challenging to put a number on the value of the particular work you accomplished. As such, the manager’s evaluation of your work will be influenced in part by the way you present it.

Moreover, general information is easier for managers to recall than specifics. Therefore, you can help your manager see you as someone who consistently adds value by connecting your work to the team outcomes or departmental and corporate strategy.

Positive listeningMaintain a positive attitude throughout the appraisal session.

Active listening is demonstrated by a method that results in an effective conversation. During the evaluation session, focusing on the other person’s words and displaying an inquisitive spirit by grasping the message and meaning behind the comments all prove an active listening spirit.

Constructive feedbackYou should respond to the management’s praises and criticisms in a courteous and professional manner, concentrating on the areas where you can grow, such as your leadership abilities, communication skills, delegating abilities, etc. Furthermore, be open to the compliments and criticism from your manager during the year-end KPI evaluation process, it will help to demonstrate a positive attitude and a desire to create a cooperative and collaborative working environment.

Take note carefullyInformation about accomplishments and outcomes from the year, as well as shortcomings and incomplete tasks, will be discussed during the evaluation session. As a result, taking thorough notes at this time will assist you in reviewing the areas in which you require improvement and in summarizing the key concepts covered during the review session, with the ultimate goal of enhancing motivation and excellent advancement for reaching your objectives in the upcoming year.

In conclusion, thorough planning ahead of the year-end KPI review will enable you to develop a roadmap, establish a personal plan that aligns with the organization’s objectives, and accurately assess your work. Develop yourself professionally and sustainably so that you can contribute more effectively to the business’s success. Remember that the degree of clarity in presenting performance and a positive attitude will directly correlate with the positive feedback you receive from your management.

Hopefully, some of the above tips that were shared by AEONMALL Vietnam will assist you in conducting a valuable and successful year-end performance review.


+) What are KPIs? How to build effective KPIs for individuals and departments – PACE Academy of Management

+) Preparing for the Year-End Review – Career Builder

+) The secret to accelerating KPIs effectively for the last months of the year – Vietnamworks

+) Prepping for Performance Reviews: Our Favorite Reads

+) Employee work performance